PEX Plumbing Systems
The most complete line of plumbing pex tubing in the industry. AquaSeal offers two types of pex pipe to the industry in various coil lengths for immediate delivery to all US markets.
AquaSeal includes a 25 year system warranty.
AquaSeal Pex-A Pipe in red, blue, and natural colors
Pex-A tubing is manufactured using the Engel method which provides more precise control over the degree, consistency and uniformity of cross-linking. This means the tubing is evenly cross-linked, with no weak links with its molecular chains.
AquaSeal Pex-A SDR-9 Large Diameter Pipe in natural color
This tubing is also made using the Engel method. Available in 11/4”, 11/2”, 2” pipe sizes.
AquaSeal Pex-B Pipe in red, blue, and natural colors
PEX-B is manufactured using a "Silane" or "Moisture Cure" method of cross-linking, where links between the molecules of the HDPE polymer are formed after the extrusion process using a catalyst and by exposing PEX tubing to water (steam bath). An additional benefit with AquaSeal you can expand and use F1960 fittings.
AquaSeal Featured Products
AquaSeal cold expansion F1960 lead free brass fittings conform to ASTM F877, F1960, NSF-61 PW-G, CAN/CSA B137.5 standards.
AquaSeal cold expansion F1960 Plastic Poly fittings conform to ASTM F877, F1960, NSF61 PW-G, CAN/CSA B137.5 standards.
AquaSeal Proplas plastic fittings are manufactured to ASTM F2159 and CSA B137.5 standards and approved by CSA, IAPMO and NSF.
The most complete line of plumbing pex tubing in the industry
AquaSeal offers four types of pex pipe to the industry in various coil lengths for immediate delivery to all US markets.
AquaSeal Pex-A pipe. in red, blue, and natural colors.
Tubing is made using the Engel method. The Engel method is a hot cross-linking process, meaning the actual cross-linking takes place during the extrusion process when the base polyethylene is above its crystal melting temperature. The Engel method provides more precise control over the degree, consistency and uniformity of cross-linking. This means the tubing is evenly cross-linked, with no weak links within its molecular chains. Available in 3/8”,1/2”, 3/ 4”, 1” pipe sizes.
AquaSeal Pex-B pipe in red, blue, and white.
Tubing is manufactured using the irradiation method of cross-linking. The Irradiation method the pipe is extruded first and then sent through an accelerator to complete the cross-linking process. The Irradiation method provides more precise control over the degree, consistency and uniformity of cross-linking. This means the tubing is evenly cross-linked, with no weak links within its molecular chains. Available in 3/8”,1/2”, 3/4”, 1” pipe sizes.
AquaSeal Pex-A SDR-9 Large Diameter Pipe in natural color.
Tubing is made using the Engel method. This means the tubing is evenly cross-linked, with no weak links within its molecular chains. Available in 11/4”, 11/2”, 2” pipe sizes.